Monday, April 13, 2009

Living on a prayer

Garret is keeping our family on their toes. He came down with acute aspiration pneumonia on Thursday, which may have been a result of (1) a leak in his esophagus from the last dilatation or (2) his recurring reflux from the previous oral feeds (he's now strictly on his g-tube). The pneumonia caused persistent pulmonary hypertension, which in turn caused some cardiac distress with his right ventricle. He had to be intubated and will likely be for most of this week. He is getting a chest x-ray today to reassess the pneumonia and will likely finish off the antibiotics for it on Tuesday or Wednesday. Garret is also on meds (Viagra to be exact) for the pulmonary hypertension to help dilate the blood vessels in his lungs.

In part due to Garret's critical condition, the ENTIRE Chuck Dallman clan gathered on Saturday evening (at my in-laws' home) to enjoy some quality time with one another. (Surprisingly, no one even suggest snapping a picture!) We are extremely appreciate of the meal and space Carl & Polly shared with us for the evening. (If only the Brewers had held on to win our evening would have been more than complete.)

This next week will be a bit touch and go - especially as they begin to remove some of the current meds to see how he tolerates being without them. While I am not always particularly religious, it seems that the Easter message of hope in a time of darkness is quite appropriate here and is comforting to our family.

Monday, March 16, 2009


Don't let Chuckles' stern exterior fool you. He's ready for the lil' G to make his appearance in the north woods. In the mean time, he's honing his skillz on making sure his grand-dogs are well-behaved. Rest assured these same dog-rearing skillz were used on us, girls, growing up. We knew how to listen and sit on command just like Garret will when around G-pops. (Ask Chuckles the same question, though, and he might give you a different answer - especially when it comes to Erin and Missy in their teenage years.)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Sling in time for a Spring Fling

For her birthday Erin received a baby sling, which was handmade by me. (Therefore, she had to sign a disclaimer releasing me of any legal obligations before using it.) Slings can be a tricky thing if you aren't sure how to use. HOWEVER, once you have them down the can be extremely useful and convenient.

From the picture Erin posted on facebook, it looks like she needs a tutorial. Luckily the internet is full of useful information--even how to use a sling. If you make it down to visit Erin & Jim see if she has mastered the sling yet. If not watch the info and share a few pointers. Lil' G will surely be ready for a spring fling walk outside this weekend if the sling features are mastered!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

They say it's your birthday...

The 7ths (and 17th) seem to be the day to remember in our family - for birthdays anyway. Of those, Erin turns 27 today! And, not to be forgotten, Garret is 4 months.

Some of the Dallman clan is heading down to Milwaukee to spend some quality time with Erin. Maybe they'll get in a game of cribbage or scrabble. Our attempt at wishing Erin birthday wishes is posted here. We purchased a piano yesterday and this is our first duet...we definitely need to practice a bit more before we hit the road. At the very least you can enjoy our ridiculous behavior and ogling over Sparky.

Happy Birthday Erin! We love you.

more about "They say it's your birthday...", posted with vodpod

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

In like a lion, out like a lamb?

To continue with my weather metaphor to life: as March begins many following the Darling clan may be beginning to wonder if the month will go out like a lamb?
All signs point to "we're not sure yet, but the progress is promising." Lil' G is well over the 7 pound mark and LOVES to eat (just look at those cheeks?). In fact, he has been eating orally so well that they are decreasing hi j-tube feeds to every 8 hours AND he's been able to actually do a little breastfeeding. He is still receiving the stockpiled, frozen milk, but I bet he really enjoys the fresh stuff.
Garret's pod is still on lock-down and his visitors are limited to Erin, Jim and grandparents. However, if you happen to be in the Milwaukee area they'd certainly love guests. (You know if you're stranded at the airport and can't catch the connecting flight to Bean-town or something like that.) Erin has taken some adorable new photos of Garret posted on picasa for the spring and has some nice shots of all the helpful doctors holding him. Enjoy the longer days and look for "calmer, lamb-like" weather.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

It's still winter...

So, as we all know Momma Erin LOVES taking pictures, and we have accumulated quite a few over the last three and a half months. Here's a little montage to remind us all of how far little Garret has come this's quite a ways! Just to recap: he was 2 lb 1 oz and is now over 7 lb; he was eating through an IV, then g-tube, now doing oral feeds; he had surgery to correct his windpipe and is continuing to make forward progress! While it can seem as if there are setbacks, it is good to be reminded of all the progress that has been made. An, my latest soapbox reminder/metaphor: winter is a VERY long season, just when it seems like spring is around the corner you get hit with another snowstorm, but the seasons always follow thro"ugh and eventually change.

Of course, the song selection is one of the few songs I love playing on piano and is really what I like, but it seems appropriate. Enjoy!
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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Hand in the 2009 V-card

Well, it's one day past Valentine's. And, 2009 is (again) a year of firsts for our family. Obviously, it's is Garret's first Valentine's Day, and everyone in our family couldn't be more smitten with him. Lil' G was showered with love from all directions. G.G. gave him his first "Gunner" dog replica, so he'll know what it's like when he actually arrives home.

It was also Uncle Marc and Auntie Amber's first V-day as a married couple. Most people probably know that the only reason I would celebrate v-day is because I don't have a v.d. - guess that's as good a reason as any, and will now be less likely since we are in a publicly and legally recognized committed relationship (Note, the heavy sarcasm.). Needless to say, we didn't do anything out of the ordinary for the day, but did spend some quality time with one another including a trip to the dog park and dinner and a movie.

Back to the Darlings: as we all know winter is a long season that started for our family at the very beginning of November. The last few months of the season can seem particularly draining, which is also where we are at with lil' G's status in the NICU. He's lingering near the 7 lb mark, but hasn't quite sustained it - yet. Erin and Jim are becoming more understanding of his current physical status and are hoping it will improve with the weather over the next month. Our family is looking forward to new seasons and lil' G's growth with them.